Paški baškotin
If you know someone who left Pag a long time ago and you want to make them happy – you can do it by giving them something that will take them back in past with its taste and smell. One of such gifts could be a cake called 'baškotin'. It is the oldest dessert which is seemingly simple and solid, but crisp, fragnant and delicious inside. Paški baškotin is a toast made by Benedict nuns and they have been making it according to their secret and well-guarded recipe for more that 3 centuries. This cake is highly appreciated by local people because it has been a part both of their family celebrations and special diets during the days of disease. The elderly local people still welcome their guests with baškotin and white coffee. It is interesting that despite all the changes through years paški baškotin is still being made by hand and in small quantities. You can buy it only at the convent of Saint Margarita in town Pag and only if you arrive before they sell all baškotin made for that day. Today this dessert has labels such as The Original Croatian Product or Croatian Island Product. It has become famous throughout Croatia but also abroad so it is often bought by tourists and taken to other countries as an eatable souvenir.
Pag Travel agency MARICOM TOURIST SERVICE, Vukovarska 4, 23250 Pag, kod HR-AB-23-020015803
operates within Maricom, a limited liability company for tourism, trade, services and travel agency, Vukovarska 4, 23250 Pag
registered at The Commercial Court in Zadar, founded on 15th of May 1992., MBS020015803, MB 3908640, OIB 22138709160
The share capital in the amount of 2.650 € was paid in full. Board member: Sanja Buljanović.
ERSTE & STEIERMARKISCHE BANK d.d., 51000 Rijeka, Jadranski trg 3a, Croatia, IBAN HR 4424020061100102523, SWIFT CODE: ESBCHR22,
S. Radica 2 Pag, Zadarska Županija 23250 Croatia