The famous lace, the treasure of the Mediterranean textile handicrafts, is an outcome of an old tradition of creating valuable handcrafts of women from the island of Pag. It is made with a needle and thread.
In past it was used to decorate folk costumes, furniture and walls, and even today every house in Pag has at least one lace hanging on the wall.
Pag lace tells the story of people's wish to preserve the beauty by teaching this art from generation to generation, from mother to daughter for centuries.
History of Pag lace dates back to the ancient times in Mycenae, when it came by trade routes to Pag and remained there to this day.
The real lace as we know appears during the Renaissance. In the original form it was related to the cotton lining, but with the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of the Lace school in Pag it became independent.
The importance that lace had in ancient times is evident by the fact that the Empress Maria Theresa in the court of Vienna had a lace maker from Pag to sew lace for the her.
The lace is an authentic Croatian souvenir and was listed among the products that carry the title "Originally Croatian", and in 2009 was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Pag declared the year 2010 as the "Year of Pag lace" and on this occasion, for the first time organized the first International Lace Festival under the patronage of the Embassy of the Republic of Austria and with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism and Zadar County. This international event was attended by representatives and lace-makers from Germany, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Polish and Croatian.
Pag has set two busts: a bust of lace maker to pay the tribute to all lace-makers of town Pag - generations of women who have patiently and humbly sewed lace and saved it from oblivion; and a bust of Frane Budak who as a man who deserves a memorial for exceptional care of lacemaking and all that he has done for the city of Pag.
7th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF LACE: 21.06. - 24.06. 2018.
The program of events for the event 6th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF LACE:
The entire programme has finished.
ORGANIZATORI: Grad Pag i Turistička zajednica grada Paga, Društvo čipkarica Frane Budak Pag
SUORGANIZATOR: Centar za kulturu i informacije Pag